Monday, January 15, 2007


it's been over two months since i wrote a poem, which is sort of sad, but is also reality. i like reading over the almost-month of poems and seeing how some hold up better than others, and how the imagery in one poem would find its way into the next.

i suppose it's not appropriate to write prose in a blog intended for poetry, but i'm going to break the rules. mostly because i feel like writing a post that won't go out to my faithful xanga following. one of the things that annoys me about xanga is that i will write a post that requires no response (unless you know me well in real life, and then you can call me) and people who know me peripherally will comment with bad jokes. i think this is stupid. and maybe it's my own fault for using a public blog as a message board for my friends and family.

also, i don't know why i subject myself to chick flicks. i suppose on some level i enjoy watching a love story develop between two characters, but the majority of modern romantic comedies tire me because they are so unsubstantial and unbelievable. give me complex, believable people. make failure and unrequited love part of the story. show me what the heroine does when she comes home at night, alone. let me see her get stuck in pointless activities like TV and the internet instead of using ALL of her down time in constructive pursuits.

end of rant. hurrah for anonymity!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Day 26

Fall days are slipping away
And how I, I wish they could stay.
I reach out to touch your hand
And hope that you’ll understand.

But there are things to discover,
Now we’re apart—
Things that I’d never know
If you held my heart.
And there are things that I’m finding
Here, on my own.
And I’m glad to be walking
On this path alone.

Fall days are slipping away
And how I, I wish you could stay.
I reach out to touch your hand
I don’t think you understand.

For there are things to discover,
Now we’re apart—
Things that you’d never know
With me in your heart.
And there are things that you’ll find now
Here, on your own.
And you’re free to be walking
On this path alone.

Red and gold dissolve to orange hue
Resolve an azure sky.
Barren branches teach me anew
To live, one must die.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Day 25

one moment life swells like
golden leaves on an azure sky
the next moment tears crumple
into a knot in my chest
tá na brónach an domhain agam

Monday, October 23, 2006

Day 24

So I took a hiatus from writing poetry as I prepared for my visit to the 'Dale and as I traveled. I would like to revive a poem about disillusionment that I wrote almost three years ago.

Kroger Cranberry Sauce
Fond childhood memories of cranberry goo
Cherished deep in my heart.
The taste of cranberries is
Happiness to me.
Years pass, snow falls.
A distant bell tolls.
Can opener crinkles as I crack open
The cranberry sauce.
Savour the gelatinous cranberry
Savour the Jellied cranberries
Savour it.
But the can opener cracks open my heart
With the realization
of the Jelly not being
All that I hoped for.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Day 23

v: to rest
heavy sleepy eyes
eleven hours deep slumber
i awake refreshed

Monday, October 16, 2006

Day 22

Mea Culpa
The gossip's voice drips like a leaky roof.
Patience runs thin.
A mistake today is tomorrow's news;
The tongue ruthlessly cuts.
Grace opens eyes to how much
Each of us needs forgiveness.
Judgement blocks eyes from seeing
God's kindness, which leaves room and space
For repentance.
Grace--more than we deserve.
I am no better than you, my friend,
And I wonder how to be gracious
In the midst of your criticism.
Forgive us, Father, for we know not what we do.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Day 21

Innocence Lost
School shootings wear on the soul.
Peace disturbed in Lancaster--
Nowhere is safe.
Our Father...
Freedom stretches thin when men use it
To abuse and kill little girls.
Not like this, oh, not like this.
Deliver us from evil...
What can be done to prevent
Senseless acts of violence
By the unpredictable wicked?
For Thine is the Kingdom...